Saturday, December 24, 2011

Can We Just Recycle?

Well, the poll is closed and it appears that there are no recounts needed or hanging chads to reconsider.  Despite the fact that the blog tool truncates the percentages, the results are as follows:

What do you think of Everyday Math:

13% - Fine with me - it gives my child all the tools to succeed
8%   - I like it, but I have some minor concerns
20% - I don't like it, but there are some good parts
59% - Terrible - Anyone interested in a book burning

Some givens:
1.    The survey was unscientific
2.    Preaching to the choir was definitely involved
3.    Turnout was about as high as an off year primary day (39 votes)

Still, four out of five participants did not like it, and three quarters of those thought it was terrible (give the data to your sixth grader and see if they can convert the percentages to round figures to fractions and then fractions of fractions).  

Think the Board of Education should conduct such a survey across the district?  It has been done in other districts, and I saw one which asked about how many parents tutored at home or paid for tutoring.
One "great" thing about EDM is that most of it gets recycled every year, since the workbooks are consumable.  I can't think of any particular use for the pages after they have been used - you can't use them to teach someone else math, especially since the books didn't teach them a whole lot to begin with.

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